Palos Hills by Fenton

This is a landscape titled Palos Hills. This likely refers to an area in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. It is noted for it's parks and natural areas which certainly come across nicely in this painting. The main focus of the painting are some leafless trees near a pond. The time of year is ambiguous--it could be early spring or late fall, although I favor the former as the artist uses a variety of shades of green suggesting new growth. The trees are set on rolling hills backed by a blue sky with some puffy clouds. At the extreme right center of the painting is a small group of white buildings with red roofs. The painting is done in an impressionist style with some more modern elements. It's quite lovely. It is signed Fenton lower right. The title is given in ink on the stretcher on the back. I haven't been able to find any information on the artist. The piece is in excellent condition with no paint loss or damage. I estimate it was done in the 1960s or 70s based on the canvas and patina of the stretcher. It is framed and the framed size is 19 x 15.25 inches. A sweet little painting.

Size: 1970s
Price: $135
Size: 15.5 x 11.5 inches
Framed Size: 19 x 15.25 inches
Condition: Excellent
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Subject: Landscape

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